MHS Football
Attention all future Cavaliers parents and players. If you are interested in playing football next year, Montclair Football will be having a Parent meeting on Wednesday May 15th at 6 pm in the auditorium! There will be updated news on summer football and the upcoming season. We look forward to seeing you soon! Please email Coach Bacon, at [email protected] if you have any questions! Please support Boys Tennis by donating to our fundraiser. Just click below to make a donation. We Thank You in advance for your support!!
CLICK HERE TO HELP OUR TEAM! You can also help by sharing this link on any of your social media accounts. Go CAVS! Click on this link that will take you to the Aqua Caliente Clippers website for ticket purchases. See the flyer below for all the information. When buying your ticket select the date for the Clipper game you would like to attend first. That will take you to the page to buy tickets for our games. You can purchase any priced ticket for our games and you will be able to sit any where you want for our games. The ticket is good for our games as well as the Aqua Caliente Clippers game date you chose on the first page. For the Clippers game you will sit based on what price ticket you purchase.
Please join us this Thursday, January 11 as the Montclair Boys and Girls Varsity Basketball teams in collaboration with KidCare International invite everyone to come out and support this local food bank by attending the two Montclair Varsity basketball games this Thursday.
Admission to both games is made possible by bringing two canned goods for the KidCare International food bank to the Montclair High School Gym. This will cover the cost of admission to both varsity games. The first game tip-offs with the CIF 7th-ranked MHS Girls Varsity team (14-4) starting at 4:45pm. Next, the MHS Boys Varsity team (11-9) plays at 6:30pm with both teams playing league rival Baldwin Park. Fans bringing at least two canned good food items will be granted access to both games for free while also supporting a very worthy cause. The Montclair Band and Cheer will also be performing at the two games as well. Please come out to support this worthy event while we welcome everyone back to MHS in 2024, let’s pack the gym and show our support to our teams and KidCare International! Boys Basketball now has their own Instagram and Twitter (X) accounts. Please check them out and follow them.
Instagram: mhscavsbasketball Twitter (X): MHScavsbasketball @MHSCAVSBBall Please support Girls Tennis by donating to our fundraiser. Just click below to make a donation. We Thank You in advance for your support!!
CLICK HERE TO HELP OUR TEAM! You can also help by sharing this link on any of your social media accounts. Go CAVS! If you are interested in playing on the Boys Basketball team this year, please attend tryouts.
Tryouts will be in the Main Gym: Friday August 18 5pm Monday August 21 4pm You must be cleared to tryout. CLICK HERE to get all the information on how to get cleared. Due to some work that must be done on our gym before it can be used we will have to cancel our Summer Basketball Camp for next week (June 26-29). The gym repairs will not be done in time for us to hold our camp this summer.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you, but unfortunately this was out of our control. We plan to resume our camp again next summer (2024), we hope you will join us. Check back on our website for information If you have already signed up and paid for camp this summer, please be on the look out for a refund to your credit card in the next few days. If you have any questions please email Coach Blades at [email protected] Thank you, Montclair Athletics Click on this link that will take you to the Aqua Caliente Clippers website for ticket purchases. See the flyers below for the dates that our men's and women's basketball programs will be playing at Toyota Arena. When buying your ticket select the date that our teams play on. You can purchase any priced ticket for our games and you will be able to sit any where you want for our games. The ticket is good for our games as well as the Aqua Caliente Clippers game that evening. For the Clippers game you will sit based on what price ticket you purchase.
Boys Volleyball: If you are interested in playing on the Boys Volleyball team this year, please attend a short informational meeting in room 97 at 3:30pm on Wed. September 28. If you have any questions, please see Coach Blades in room 97.
Anyone interested in being on the Cross Country team for the 2022-23 school year please attend a meeting on Monday May 23rd at 5:30 pm in the football stadium. Please start working on physicals!
Questions: Email Coach Ryan at [email protected] If you are going to be a freshman girl at Montclair High School next year and you want to play Volleyball, then please CLICK HERE to fill out the interest form.
If you are interested in playing Girls Basketball at Montclair HS, then please CLICK HERE and fill out the interest form.
INCOMING FRESHMEN: If you are interested in playing on the boys basketball team next year, then please attend a short meeting on Friday May 20th at 5:30pm in the main gym at Montclair High School.
If you are interested in playing Boys Soccer next school year (22-23), please CLICK HERE and fill out the interest form.
The boys basketball team is playing at the Toyota Arena!
The game will be on Saturday January 29th at 12:30pm vs. Chaffey at the Toyota Arena (formerly Citizens Bank Arena in Ontario). When you buy a ticket, the ticket will get you into our game, but it will also get you into the Agua Caliente Clippers game that same night at 7pm. Here is the link to buy a ticket: · Montclair link: Please keep in mind that this will also be a fundraiser for our program, boys basketball will get 50% of the Montclair ticket sales on this link. Please pass on the word and share the link with as many people as you can! Go CAVS! The Boys Basketball Team is currently working on a fundraiser to help pay for equipment and trips for the 2021-22 season. Would you please consider donating? Thank you! Please click the link below to help us out! For Montclair Athletic events in the gym or the stadium you can sign up to watch them on line with the NFHS Network. This would include Football, Volleyball, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, and Track.
If you are interested in signing up CLICK HERE! If you are a current 8th grader who attended our 8th grade night on 3/10/21 and came to our zoom session, CLICK HERE for the interest form that was mentioned.
Make sure to put a good email address that you check frequently. A message will be sent to you for summer practices. If you are interested in playing girls tennis this year, please click here and fill out the interest form.
Thanks and Go Cavs! If you are interested in playing boys tennis this year, please click here and fill out the interest form.
Thanks and Go Cavs! If you are interested in playing girls basketball this year, please click here and fill out the interest form.
Thanks and Go Cavs! |